Monday, March 1, 2010

A tip of my hat

Though I do appreciate that I don't Have to get dolled up and wear gloves and a hat when fetching groceries, it is a little sad that so few people do get dressed up these days.
On the other side of the pond, hats and head pieces are still worn fairly often. From the races at Ascot (see photo left) to an English countryside wedding, many a whimsical hat is to be found perched upon ladies heads. There was a recent renaissance of Fascinators and feathered hair pieces here, but only time will tell if is a fleeting fad. For the most part, hats fell out of favour in the 60's. (damm hippies) and with them went gloves too.
Now of course mitts and toques are still worn, (after all I'm from Canada, so they are a necessity 80% of the year) but they don't lend quite the same air of sophistication.
I think it's time hats and gloves made a proper come back.
What do you think?

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